Personal Microderm System


Achieve amazing anti-aging results at home with Personal Microderm System. This hand-held device smooths away dead skin cells, diminishing age spots and other signs of aging. It also helps treat acne and scarring. If you’re in Salt Lake City or Murray, Utah, and you’d like to improve your skin, Rejuvenate Utah can help.


1 personal Microderm
6 exfoliating discs (2 green and 4 blue)
1 electric cord (Standard U.S. Outlet)
1 facial cap
1 body cap
1 reusable filter
Instructional CD and Pamphlet.

How does Microdermabrasion work? Basically, it’s the process of applying tiny rough grains to get rid of the surface layer of skin, known as the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum hosts most of your skin’s imperfections such as wrinkles, discolorations, and more. By removing this troublesome layer, the skin will appear smoother, healthier, and younger. If you’re in the Murray or Salt Lake City area, Rejuvenate Utah is the place to attain younger and healthier-looking skin.

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